The health center leader's trusted provider of HRSA Compliance expertise, mock site visits, and first-of-its-kind web-based site survey preparation tools.
FTCA Quarterly Risk Management Assessments: A Crucial Tool for Community Health Centers
Health centers participating in the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) program are required to implement a comprehensive risk management strategy to reduce the likelihood of adverse outcomes that could result in medical malpractice or other health-related litigation. A key component of this strategy is the completion of quarterly risk assessments.
FTCA Requirements for Annual Board Risk Management Reports: A Comprehensive Guide
Health centers seeking Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) coverage must adhere to specific requirements regarding their Annual Board Risk Management Reports. This blog post will delve into the essential components of these reports and provide guidance on how to meet HRSA's expectations.
Health Center Tracking Systems: FTCA Compliance and Risk Mitigation
In today's complex healthcare environment, robust tracking systems are crucial for ensuring patient safety and maintaining continuity of care for health centers’ most vulnerable patients. The potential consequences of health centers not maintaining an effective tracking program are poor patient outcomes, dissatisfied patients, ineffective communication, and potential medical malpractice lawsuits. Not only do tracking programs lower risk and improve care, but community health centers must implement comprehensive tracking systems for referrals, hospitalizations, and diagnostics to meet HRSA and Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) requirements.