The health center leader's trusted provider of HRSA Compliance expertise, mock site visits, and first-of-its-kind web-based site survey preparation tools.

FTCA Kyle Vath FTCA Kyle Vath

Was your FTCA Application submission this year…stressful?

If you are like most health centers this year, you may have been overwhelmed with the changes in the FTCA (Federal Tort Claims Act) requirements. You may have felt the changes were unclear and you were confused about how to meet the requirements. Or maybe you had significant turnover in your staff and some of your quarterly Risk Management Assessments or risk management trainings fell through the cracks. The submission deadline may have crept up on you amidst summer vacations, EMR “go-lives”, and budgetary struggles. If any of this describes your experience, you’re not alone.

But the silver lining in all of this is that you made it through and now is the time to put the systems in place so next year’s application is much less stressful! In the following article, we will share strategies for moving toward continuous FTCA compliance.

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Kyle Vath Kyle Vath

HRSA-Required Tracking Policies

Community health centers are required to develop and maintain policies or procedures that demonstrate the health center is working to mitigate patient safety risks. Four of those policies are Referral Tracking (RT), Hospitalization Tracking (HT), Diagnostic Tracking (DT), and After-Hours Call Follow-up Tracking (AH) policies.

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