The Naming Convention: RegLantern’s Solution
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
Juliet Capulet
(Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare)
In 2022, we explained the convenience of the Naming Convention for reviewers and distinguished it from the compliance of review questions.
Since that time, we have developed a clever solution to the Naming Convention in our RegLantern platform to assist users with easily applying the naming convention in front of the document name.
For example, the very first prompt requires “3.1 – Service Area Reps-Analysis”. When you upload a document with your own recognizable name (i.e. “Zip Code Analysis for Review - 2023 04 18.pdf”), RegLantern automatically adds the correct Naming Convention in front and applies your name in parentheses.
Example 1: “3.1 - Service Area Reps-Analysis (Zip Code Analysis for Review - 2023 04 18.pdf)”
Better yet, in chapters where the document is repeated but has a different naming convention, RegLantern handles that as well:
Example 2: “6.2 - UDS Service Area Map (Zip Code Analysis for Review - 2023 04 18.pdf)”
In some cases, the Naming Convention requires users to supply information. For example, Board minutes need to be named by the month. So RegLantern, allows for the user to add the month information into the name:
Example 3: “19.6a - Board Minutes - 2023 01 January (Board Meeting Minutes Jan 2023.docx)”
For more information on how this works in the platform, see this short video:
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RegLantern provides HRSA compliance services (including mock site surveys) and online tools to assist your health center with continual compliance.