The health center leader's trusted provider of HRSA Compliance expertise, mock site visits, and first-of-its-kind web-based site survey preparation tools.
Choosing an FQHC Mock Site Visit Consultant
Though HRSA is emphasizing the importance of moving toward “Continual Compliance”, many health centers decide that an FQHC Mock Site Visit may be helpful. We’d like to give you five areas to consider when evaluating if an FQHC Mock Site Visit is right for you.
HRSA Compliance: QI/QA Assessments
One area in which we commonly get questions is in regards to the QI/QA Assessments. Let’s review the different areas within the Site Visit Protocol that mention these assessments.
2019 HRSA OSV Updates
HRSA’s most recent update of the Health Center Program Site Visit Protocol was recently released for review.
HRSA's Focus on Continual Compliance
Whether it is contracting consultants to provide mock site surveys or utilizing web-based tools to guide your preparation, continual compliance should be the goal.