FTCA Required Trainings

If your health center is FTCA-deemed or is applying to be deemed, you are required to ensure your staff and board are trained annually on specific topics. Now, these requirements are not written in a nice little paragraph in a single document. No-because that would be too easy. Rather, they must be pieced together by reviewing at least three different documents.

So, we will pull together those requirements for you and cite where we gathered this information from and where you can find it if you want to verify.

FTCA requires the following training every 12 months (SVP, Ch 21, Element e, Question 8):

  1. Obstetrical Services (SVP, Ch 21.e.10, FTCA PAL). Required even for “health centers who do not provide OB services directly but may have contact with reproductive age patients for other clinical services”.*** For more info, read this blog article.

  2. Risk Management Training (for clinical staff) on Infection Control (SVP, Ch 21.e.11) and Sterilization (FTCA PAL)

  3. Training (for all relevant staff) on HIPAA medical record confidentiality requirements (SVP, Ch 21.e.12)

  4. Risk Manager Training (FTCA PAL)

  5. Governing Board Risk Management training (FTCA SVP, p.9)

  6. Medical Record Documentation (FTCA PAL)***

  7. Follow-Up On Adverse Test Results (FTCA PAL)***

  8. Provider-Specific Risk Training (FTCA PAL)***

  9. High-Risk Services Training (HRSA SVP)***

  10. Basic Life Support Training for all clinical staff (FTCA PAL, HRSA SVP)

Additionally, the HRSA Site Visit Protocol (Ch 21.e.13) requires the health center to maintain documentation that all relevant staff have completed training in accordance with the health center’s annual risk management training plan. This requirement is also outlined in FTCA PAL. Also remember that your annual risk management training plan must include information from the “current or previous calendar year (any documents dated outside this period will not be accepted)” and documented completion of all required training (FTCA Application Guide).

For more information on how you can move your community health center from episodic to continuous HRSA compliance, contact the experts at RegLantern today!


  • Updated May 9, 2022 to include two additional trainings noted in the HRSA PAL 2022-01, which included “Medical Record Documentation”, “Follow-Up On Adverse Test Results”, and “Provider-Specific” trainings. The specific “Sterilization” training was also added to the infection control training to align with the HRSA PAL 2022-01.

  • Updated May 27, 2022 to reflect the question added to Chapter 21 of the HRSA Site Visit Protocol, requiring “High Risk Services” training.

  • Updated March 3, 2023 to reflect PAL 2023-01 where it states that risk management training for OB procedures is required even for “health centers who do not provide OB services directly but may have contact with reproductive age patients for other clinical services”. See RegLantern Blog Article here. Included BLS training in article for completeness. April 13, 2023 revision of HRSA SVP came into alignment with this FTCA training as well.

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Kyle Vath

Kyle Vath, BSN, MHA, RN: Kyle Vath is the CEO and co-founder of RegLantern, a company that provides tools and services to health centers that help them move to continual compliance. These services include mock site surveys and web-based tools that allow health centers to organize their compliance documentation. Kyle has served in a wide range of healthcare settings including serving as the Director of Operations for Social Ministries for a large health system, Provider Relations for a health system-owned payer, the Director of Operations for a Federally-Qualified Health Center, long-term care (as a nursing manager, director of nursing, and licensed nursing home administrator), in acute care (as a critical care nurse), and in Tanzania, East Africa as a hospital administrator of a rural mission hospital.


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