Why Reviewers Love RegLantern OSVs
Since the beginning, RegLantern has worked to arrange and organize each health center’s documents in ways that are easy for health center staff to upload and reviewers to review! During the COVID-19 global pandemic, HRSA initiated the use of the Citrix ShareFile platform for the reviewers to review associated compliance documents. RegLantern is integrated with HRSA’s Citrix ShareFile platform for this very type of need. So, after using all of the time-saving tools built-in to the RegLantern platform, health centers will then be set up to quickly and easily export the documents into a format that is super-easy for the reviewers!
When the time comes for the health center to load the documents onto the Citrix Share File platform for the HRSA reviewers, the health center will simply notify the RegLantern team, and their support experts will quickly export all the files the health center has loaded into the HRSA folders, organized exactly how they’re needed for the HRSA reviewers.
Additionally, when HRSA released their new official HRSA Naming Convention for OSVs, the RegLantern team added this language to each document prompt in the Site Visit Protocol Checklist module and automatically names the documents just as HRSA requests. You can learn more about HRSA’s naming convention in our blog post on this topic.
If you have an Operational Site Visit (OSV) coming up and would like to have our team of experts help you prepare, please contact us today! Our proven methodology will help guide you and your team toward continuous HRSA compliance.
Revised: March 6, 2025
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RegLantern provides HRSA compliance services (including mock site surveys) and online tools to assist your health center with continual compliance.