The health center leader's trusted provider of HRSA Compliance expertise, mock site visits, and first-of-its-kind web-based site survey preparation tools.
Annual Review of Service Area (Chapter 3 Element a)
Updating your service area is a crucial step for community health centers aiming to align services with community needs. It’s also required. Chapter 3 of HRSA’s Site Visit Protocol asks if the health center uses the most recent Uniform Data System (UDS) to update the zip codes on HRSA’s Form 5B-Service Sites annually. Here's a quick guide on what to consider and how to make this happen.
Board Minutes – Moving the Past to the Future
More than almost any other nonprofit, health centers have a tremendous burden to ensure that board minutes are readable and clearly indicate compliance with HRSA requirements. Future board members might read these minutes to understand what was decided, but a HRSA reviewer certainly will read them to determine if your organization is still worthy of receiving significant taxpayer funding to fulfill the mission of providing high-quality healthcare to communities that otherwise lack access.
Changing of the Guard: Preparing for Prior Approval for a new CEO or Program Director
Bringing on a new CEO or Program Director is an exciting time for a health center. There is fresh energy and new opportunities. There are also learning curves for the CEO, Board and staff as everyone adjusts to a new leadership and a new vision for the organization.
Boards and Policies - Establish, Adopt and Approve
Which policies must the Board approve? Does the Board adopt policies or approve them? Is there a difference?
Newly-Released Form 5B Tools (From HRSA)
HRSA released two new tools to help health centers improve their Form 5B accuracy.