The health center leader's trusted provider of HRSA Compliance expertise, mock site visits, and first-of-its-kind web-based site survey preparation tools.
HRSA Site Visit Protocol (SVP) Updates - 2023
The HRSA Site Visit Protocol was updated on April 13, 2023.
FTCA Application Changes for CY 2024
HRSA has updated this year’s FTCA deeming application! The RegLantern team has reviewed the document in detail and guides your team through the changes.
Changing of the Guard: Preparing for Prior Approval for a new CEO or Program Director
Bringing on a new CEO or Program Director is an exciting time for a health center. There is fresh energy and new opportunities. There are also learning curves for the CEO, Board and staff as everyone adjusts to a new leadership and a new vision for the organization.
Boards and Policies - Establish, Adopt and Approve
Which policies must the Board approve? Does the Board adopt policies or approve them? Is there a difference?
Piloting the Engaging Health Centers in Compliance and Excellence Site Visit (HCCESV)
The Bureau of Primary Health Care is piloting a new Virtual Operational Site Visit (vOSV) format called Engaging Health Centers in Compliance and Excellence Site Visit (HCCESV).
2022 HRSA Site Visit Protocol Updates
HRSA updates Site Visit Protocol with minor changes focused on look-alikes and FTCA-deemed organizations.
FTCA Application Changes for CY 2023
HRSA has recently updated its FTCA application requirements. Read more how health centers can be prepared.
Nominal Fees, Waivers, and Additional Billing Options
Let’s remove the barriers to understanding discounts for patients.
The Naming Convention: Consideration, not Compliance
During kick-off calls for VOSVs, Health Centers are being handed documents with extensive Naming Conventions. What does this mean? How do I handle them having different numbers?
Newly-Released Form 5B Tools (From HRSA)
HRSA released two new tools to help health centers improve their Form 5B accuracy.
Volunteers and FTCA
Health centers often wonder how utilizing volunteer health professionals impacts their FTCA deeming.
FTCA Required Trainings
FTCA requires community health centers to train their Board and staff in certain key areas.
Credentialing & Privileging: How do I organize my files?
After reviewing hundreds of credentialing and privileging files, we have a few recommendations for how to keep them up-to-date, compliant, and organized.
SVP Update: Form 5A Contracts & Agreements
HRSA has recently updated the Site Visit Protocol. Specifically, areas addressing contracts and agreements now have clarifying language added.
Verifying Cognitive Fitness
HRSA updated the Health Center Program Site Visit Protocol in May of 2021 (Effective May 27, 2021) and added an additional question regarding fitness for duty verification. The health center must now be able to explain, “how the health center has verified fitness for duty to ensure all clinical staff have the physical and cognitive ability to safely perform their duties”.
Continuous HRSA Compliance: Right After Your OSV (33-36 Months Out)
If you just finished your HRSA OSV, now is the time to get into continuous HRSA compliance mode. Here’s how!